Christian.Collegiate.Accredited COGNIA NAPS TPSA TEPSAC (806)747-4277
...Jesus said to them, with people this is impossible but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26
Sharp Academy graduates are attending the following colleges:
Texas Tech University
Wayland Baptist University
West Texas A&M
Lubbock Christian University
Howard College
South Plains College
Amarillo College
What is college prep?
> Sharp Academy teaches students to become accountable, responsible, and independent in their work production,
and how to set and achieve personal goals in career and life
> Students can choose to begin attending concurrent college couses at the age of 16 and earn an average
of 20 college hours by graduation
> College Accredited Curriculum - college recognized curriculum proven to be effective to be college ready
> College & Carreer Plan for every student K-12th Grade; including internships, job & college visits
> Students will visit approximately 30 college campuses by graduation
> College Concurrent Credits - concurrent credits from an accredited college are 100% transferrable
Each student has a personalize Academic Student Action Plan
> All classes are limited to 6 to 8 students per teacher
> One-on-one student to teacher education
> Students learn how to self-advocate for college and for life
> Immediate improvement in self-confidence and self-esteem
> Full accommodations in all classes and students learn to master their accommodation needs
Our motto "Master your resources; if you don't know the answer, then you need to know where to find it."