Our standards for college readiness set us apart from other schools and enable us to complete our mission to teach any student to reach their God-given potential to succeed in college and life.

Campus Standards:

Teachers are required to incorporate in the classroom. They must be maintained and are non-negotiable.

Our standards provide the foundation of the classroom, but teachers can choose to present the material creatively.

These standards and methodologies establish systems management, a trait that all our students lack; to provide a structured, organized and consistent learning environment.

Classroom Methodology

   Step One: Vocabulary/Foundation for learning Base – new words

   Step Two: Curriculum/Focus Base - Highlight/ Tab vocabulary words

   Step Three: Comprehension/Processing Preparation Base – Present the lesson objectives in advance

   Step Four: Delivery/Teaching Base (input) – delivery of new learning

   Step Five: Confirmation/Feedback Base (output) – what did the student learn


Language processing deficit - students struggle with language, so all classes are vocabulary based.

Presentation of new words varies by age group and are presented at the beginning of each subject, each day.

Educators enhance words through multi-sensory by learning through hands-on activities and projects to engage the student with their academics

Grading done on 100% scale and shown as number not percentage

Tests, Quizzes, and Projects 30%

Daily assignments 70%

All grades below 80 are corrected for ½ credit added back for final grade

Original grade is posted in Renweb until the final corrected grades are posted in Renweb. Grades are noted.

Scope and Sequence

Purposely planned and expected to be followed

Curriculums will be finished by the end of the year

Teacher’s manuals and the support materials are provided for every subject

Students are expected to use their textbooks and resources daily

Binders & Resources

Organization is a challenge for all students so this is a skill we teach. Binders - Students use binders as a resource – all contents go home at end of each 3 weeks. Each student has a binder in each class with tabbed dividers labeled as follows:

DAILY WORK – all vocabulary forms, and written or copies of class notes, & all seatwork

TESTS/QUIZZES – all tests and quizzes

Teachers actively ASSIST students to file away information daily with visuals on walls, posters, timelines, etc. that enhance course foundations.

Text Books – college accredited curriculum fully provided on campus for all students, stay in classroom and can be checked out for make-up work or study hall.


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